cost 103 ms
How to fix ngspice ac analysis bug?

I am trying to run an AC analysis on a circuit I made. I'm getting an error that has something to do with the model I am using, and I don't know how t ...

2022-02-26 21:43:16   1   54    pspice  
LTspice Transformer issues

I'm struggling with this simple schematic in LTspice. I just want to made a 1:1 insulation transformer but probably I'm missing something. In theory i ...

Read LTSpice .step data in R

I am trying to parse LTSpice data produced with a .step function. This splits the resulting dataset into parts which I do not know how to effectively ...

2021-05-18 22:11:55   1   33    r / pspice  
SRAM simulation in pspice

This is my code for SRAM simulation in pspice SRAM simulation VDD 3 0 DC 5V VWL 4 0 PWL (9us 0V 10us 5V 90us 5V 91us 0V) VBL1 5 0 PWL (0 0V 1us 5V ...

2020-08-13 17:24:20   1   38    vlsi / pspice  
How to get multiple waveforms in ltspice

I'm doing the CMOS inverter simulation. My circuit and waveforms are correct. But I want the waveform for the different Vtc values and also the differ ...

2020-04-12 13:01:23   1   465    pspice  
Subcircuits in HSpice netlist?

Working on Hspice first time so please bear with me. I need to write netlist for CMOS And gate. Currently, I had finished writing and testing of CMOS- ...

ngspice result display via php

I am trying to display ngspice output via PHP. I am able to display the terminal output but i am unable to display the graph. I get an error saying: ...

2015-11-10 07:21:20   1   151    php / pspice  

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