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PHP session variable not persisting through AJAX call

I wanted to use HTML links to change a session variable in PHP. To do this, I set up an HTML "a" tag that would call a javascript function that looks like this:

function changeValue(name){
  data = "key='person'&value=" + _name;
      url: www_root + "/funcs.php?func=set_session_var",
      type: "post",
      data: data,
      success: function(data){

Then, I had the funcs.php script which had the set_session_var function like this:

function set_session_var(){
   $key= trim($_GET["key"]);
   $value= trim($_GET["value"]);
   $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
   echo $key;

Then, the original php/html page would reload, but it would first load an external page (call it item.php) that settled all of the php session stuff. Looks like this:

$session_id = session_id();
$sc = $_SESSION['person'];

However, the $sc variable always shows up as empty, despite the AJAX success function returning the right value. I've checked the session_id's for both scripts, and they are the same. I have also tried to set a session variable in item.php, and it persists. It's just that when I set a session variable using the funcs.php script it doesn't save.

Any and all ideas are appreciated!

You're sending quotes:

data = "key='person'&value=" + _name;

which means you're effectively doing:

$_SESSION["'person'"] = $value;

Note that those single quotes have become PART of the session key name.


data = "key=person&value=" + _name;
            ^----^--- no quotes


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