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Mapping a certain JSON value to Enum value C#

I am creating classes for the Stack Exchange API. The filter_object type contains a member filter_type which will be either safe , unsafe , or invalid . So I created an enum like this:

public enum FilterType
    @unsafe, // Here lies the problem.

Since unsafe is a keyword, I had to add some prefix to it. But how can I make the value "unsafe" to automatically map to @unsafe ? Example JSON:

  "filter": "....",
  "filter_type": "unsafe",
  "included_fields": [

How can I deserialize it, such that the filter_type is automatically converted to FilterType.@unsafe ?

Update - Solved:

Using the @ symbol before an identifier makes it possible to be the same as keywords. It works fine even though the @ appears in intellisense.

You can use JsonProperty, like this

public enum FilterType
    @unsafe, // Here lies the problem.

And then it will work properly

class MyClass
    public FilterType filter_type { get; set; } 

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var myClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyClass>(json);
        var itsUnsafe = myClass.filter_type == FilterType.@unsafe;

    public static string json = @"{
  ""filter"": ""...."",
  ""filter_type"": ""unsafe"",
  ""included_fields"": [

The output is:


You can see example working here: https://dotnetfiddle.net/6sb3VY

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