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Encoding JSON with strings in html data attributes

I need to pass some data to javascript. So I've created a template tag :

from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django import template
import json

register = template.Library()

def mydata():
    return mark_safe(json.dumps([("a", 1), ("b", 2)])

Then in my template,

<div id="mydata" data-stuff="{% mydata %}" style="display:none;"></div>

Which is used in a js file with jquery loaded:

$('#mydata').data('stuff') //automatically does JSON.parse

The problem is the quotes from "a" and "b" break the HTML attribute syntax. I can simply change to single quotes ( data-stuff='{% mydata %}' ) but is there a more definitive django approach to injecting JSON into the template? Perhaps something like an escape_my_json or escape_for_html_attribute function.

Despite the fact it is a bit hacky to store json in attribute, single-quotation (apostrophe , U+0027) is not a valid string delimiter in JSON . Some browsers may have problems with this, although I cannot point out any.

If the JSON struct is not complex store every field as a separate data-*, otherwise in JS.

If you need to use attribute... really, really ...I would not replace quotes (simple replace will be loosy) more likely encode it with base64.

Note about escaping: To escape double-quotes (single as well) you can use filter addslashes (or in python django.template.defaultfilters.addslashes ), but it is not json data aware so it may break.

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