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how to read (import) file to db use delay_job in rails

i have a class to import import_jobs.rb

require 'roo'
class ImportJob < Struct.new(:path, :name)
  def perform
    import(path, name)
  def import(path, name)
    spreadsheet = open_spreadsheet(path, name)
    header = spreadsheet.row(1).map!(&:downcase)

    (2..spreadsheet.last_row).each do |i|
      row = Hash[[header, spreadsheet.row(i)].transpose].to_hash     
      potential_user = PotentialUser.find_by_id(row[:id]) || PotentialUser.new
      potential_user.attributes = row
  def open_spreadsheet(path,extname)
    case extname
    when ".csv" then Roo::CSV.new(path)
    when ".xls" then Roo::Excel.new(path)
    when ".xlsx" then Roo::Excelx.new(path,file_warning: :ignore)
    else raise "Unknown file type: extname"

In my View

<%= form_tag import_potential_users_path, multipart: true do %>
  <%= file_field_tag :file %>
  <%= submit_tag "Import" %>
<% end %>

In controller

def import
  if params[:file].present?
    Delayed::Job.enqueue ImportJob.new(params[:file].path, File.extname(params[:file].original_filename))
  redirect_to potential_users_path, notice: "Protential Users imported."
    redirect_to potential_users_path

When in run jobs, it display error does not exits file . Althought when i run it dont use delay_job, code ís working

[Worker(host:ubuntu pid:14362)] Job ImportJob (id=860) RUNNING
[Worker(host:ubuntu pid:14362)] Job ImportJob (id=860) COMPLETED after 2.0222
[Worker(host:ubuntu pid:14362)] Job ImportJob (id=858) RUNNING
[Worker(host:ubuntu pid:14362)] Job ImportJob (id=858) FAILED (3 prior attempts) with IOError: file /tmp/RackMultipart20151211-14238-13b7xb does not exist
[Worker(host:ubuntu pid:14362)] 2 jobs processed at 0.7092 j/s, 1 failed

Looks like temporary file is removed prior to the moment when the worker starts to process the job. I'd suggest you to copy the file to another location and then try again. Here's a chunk of code that might help:

if params[:file].present?
  original_filename = params[:file].original_filename
  new_filename = "#{File.basename(original_filename)}_new"
  new_filepath = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, new_filename)
  FileUtils.cp(params[:file].path, new_filepath)
  import_job = ImportJob.new(new_filepath, File.extname(original_filename))

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