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Making Sip call in android

I am using ngn stack library to make sip calls.

If I test on local server when I am connected to WI-FI, it works very fine with audio as well as video. But, on original server I am unable to make call, even there is no request being hit on server side. If I use other applications like 'ZOIPER' it works also fine.

Following error occurs when I click call button after registering both clients. below is the logcat output for the error

12-14 10:35:54.146: D/org.doubango.ngn.services.impl.NgnSipService(4383): OnDialogEvent (Transport error,3)
12-14 10:35:54.146: D/org.doubango.ngn.sip.NgnAVSession(4383): setState(TERMINATED)
12-14 10:35:54.147: D/dalvikvm(4383): create interp thread : stack size=128KB
12-14 10:35:54.149: D/org.doubango.ngn.media.NgnProxyAudioProducer(4383): stopCallback

please help me out.

Yes i found the solution it was somethig NATT issue. just write code for USE STUN for SIP during configuration setting by writing this code.

                NgnConfigurationEntry.NATT_USE_STUN_FOR_SIP, true, true);

Now it's working fine

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