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LINQ does not recognize joined table in select clause

I am left joining expected records to a returned set and attempting to determine if the expected column was updated correctly. The Column to be updated is determined by a string in the expected row.

Problem: I have a compile error I don't understand.

Cannot resolve symbol dbRow

(where bold/ bracketed by ** in QtyUpdated field).

var x = from addRow in expected.AsEnumerable()
        join dbRow in dtDB.AsEnumerable() 
            new { key1= addRow[0], key2=addRow[1] ,key3=addRow[3] }
            new { key1=dbRow["TransactionID"], 
        into result
        from r in result.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new {TID = addRow[0], ItemID = addRow[1], DeliveryDate= addRow[3], 
            QtyUpdated= (
                addRow[6].ToString() == "Estimated" ? **dbRow**["EstimatedQuantity"] == (decimal)addRow[5] :
                addRow[6].ToString() == "Scheduled" ? **dbRow**["ScheduledQuantity"]==(decimal)addRow[5] :
                addRow[6].ToString() == "Actual" ? **dbRow**["ActualQuantity"]== (decimal)addRow[5] : false)

I know this seems wonky, its a tool for Q/A to test that the Add function in our API actually worked.

Yes, dbRow is only in scope within the equals part of the join. However, you're not using your r range variable - which contains the matched rows for the current addRow ... or null .

Just change each dbRow in the select to r . But then work out what you want to happen when there aren't any matched rows, so r is null.

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