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Peta Poco and System.Data.Entity.Spatial.DbGeography

I get an error

"Object must implement IConvertible."

When I

Database db = new Database(this.ConnStr, this.Provider);
var x = db.Fetch<myObj>(sql);//returns the error

and myObj has a


property. How can I correct this?

A PetaPoco maintainer here. The error is because PetaPoco doesn't know about the type and defaults to trying Convert.ChangeType(src, dstType, null); , which is where I believe the error is originating from.

Please raise an issue over at the repo if you'd like support this type built-in.

A quick fix would be for you to implement your own converter logic. An example of this can be found in the SQLite integration test code . If you don't want to use the ConventionMapper or you're using an older version of PetaPoco, you can always register a customer mapper for the specific type. See the mapping docs for more information.

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