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Vim Script: User-defined command with “prefix”

I have created a simple user-defined command using the following vim script

command! -nargs=* -complete=file EE :call EE(<f-args>)

function! EE(...)
  if filereadable(expand(a:1))
    exec 'edit ' . a:1

:EE file will open a file (like the built-in command ":edit file )

But unlike :tab edit file the command :tab EE file will not open a new tab.

Is it possible to enhance the script so that a "prefix" like :tab or :vert could be used?

No, unfortunately, the prefix command isn't exposed to custom commands; it would be great to have a v:prefixcommand variable that one could evaluate.

You so far have to write separate alternative commands, eg :TEE for :tab EE .

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