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Qt How to create a QBrush using a RGB Color with QColor and change it later?

At the moment I use this to create a QBrush:

QBrush *goldBrush = new QBrush(QColor(212,175,55));

But apparently this leaks memory.

How else could you do it? I've tried this:

QBrush greyBrush(QColor(212,175,55));

But that hasn't worked either. I want to be able to declare the brush as one colour then be able to change it.

Edit: full problem my bad.

The only way to change the color of a brush is via QBrush::setColor . The brush takes a copy of the color you specify and not a reference.

QBrush my_brush;
QColor red(Qt::red);
my_brush.setColor(red); // my_brush has its own color member internally
                        // and _not_ a reference to red

Maybe you are used to other programming languages like Java where basically everything is a reference. In C++ there are values semantics .

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