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Haskell type signature for == and elem

In GHCi, doing the following yield:

:t (==) 

(==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool


:t elem

elem :: (Eq a, Foldable t) => a -> t a -> Bool

I am confused with the arrow going from a to a, and then a to Bool. Is it because == or elem is a curried function?

The type signature for elem is very similar to ==, except for the additional t. What does ta in :t elem mean?

Yes, operators are curried. Let's ignore the contexts for a second (the part of the type before => ).

(==) :: a -> a -> Bool

(->) associates to the right, so this means:

(==) :: a -> (a -> Bool)

That is, it's a function which, given an a , returns another function, which in turn takes an a and gives a Bool . It returns the function which is only true when its argument is equal to the first a .

(We will set NoMonomorphismRestriction because otherwise it will just be extra confusing for no good reason)

ghci> :set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
ghci> let f = (==) 1
ghci> f 1
ghci> f 2
-- or just
ghci> (==) 1 2

The part before the ( => ) puts constraints on types. Eq a means that a must be a type that supports equality.

As for the t in elem , that might be a bit advanced for you to understand fully right now. I'll give you a little bit. Because of the context

(Eq a, Foldable t) => ...

we know that t has to be Foldable . Lists are foldable, and foldable doesn't mean much more than "has a toList method". So you can read elem as:

elem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool

and in general, when you see a foldable type, just pretend it's a list.

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