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Load image list in ListBox. WPF and MVVM

I'm trying to show a set of pictures from a directory in a ListBox. This ListBox should be updated when I select another directory. The following code does not work correcty and I don't know why. LoadImages() works correctly because _selectedImageList has the elements contained in the selected directory but the ListBox does not show anything.


<ListBox x:Name="ListBoxSnapshots" ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedImageList, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Grid.Column="1" Focusable="False" BorderThickness="0" SelectionMode="Single" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" SelectionChanged="ListBoxSnapshots_SelectionChanged" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" SelectedIndex="0" >
               <Image Source="{Binding}" Stretch="Fill" />
            <WrapPanel IsItemsHost="True" Orientation="Horizontal" />

My ViewModel:

private ObservableCollection<ImageSource> _selectedImageList = new ObservableCollection<ImageSource>();

public ObservableCollection<ImageSource> SelectedImageList
   get { return _selectedImageList; }
   set { _selectedImageList = value; }

private void LoadImages()
   _selectedImageList = new ObservableCollection<ImageSource>();

   DirectoryInfo aSnapshotTempDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"..\..\Images");

   foreach (FileInfo aFile in aSnapshotTempDir.GetFiles("*.jpg"))
       Uri uri = new Uri(aFile.FullName);
       _selectedImageList.Add( new BitmapImage( uri ) );

I'm trying to do something like that ( Displaying Images in ListView (or something better!) in WPF MVVM using databinding ) but something is wrong in my code.


There are two problems :
I. You are not binding to public property exposed for your ObservableCollection .

ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedImageList"}

II. The problem is here that you are initializing the ObservableCollection object every time in LoadImages method with a new reference and due to binding of ListBox breaks.
This can be resolved by two approach :
1. Notify View that collection has changed through PropertyChanged ( INotifyPropertyChanged ).

public ObservableCollection<ImageSource> SelectedImageList
   get { return _selectedImageList; }
   set { _selectedImageList = value; 
       SendPropertyChanged("SelectedImageList"); // suppose you have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged interface in this method.
  1. Clear the collection and add new items.

      private void LoadImages() { _selectedImageList.Clear(); DirectoryInfo aSnapshotTempDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"..\\..\\Images"); foreach (FileInfo aFile in aSnapshotTempDir.GetFiles("*.jpg")) { Uri uri = new Uri(aFile.FullName); _selectedImageList.Add( new BitmapImage( uri ) ); } } 

As per best practice, you should go with step 2 as initializing an observable Collection refers to new address in heap and notifying to view to bind the new collection up-fresh in main thread will be resource centric for performance.

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