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Apache Camel: Get move path after file transfer

I am creating a file transfer route which is using move to set a dynamic path where the file is moved after successful file transfer. I have also setup a notifier to keep track of file transfer events.

As the move path is dynamic, I need to get the evaluated path where file was moved after the file transfer. How can this path inside the notifier?

public class MyFtpServiceBuilder extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {

            .addEventNotifier(new MyFtpServiceNotifier());



public class MyFtpServiceNotifier extends EventNotifierSupport {

    public void notify(EventObject event) throws Exception {
        Exchange exchange = ((AbstractExchangeEvent) event).getExchange();

        if (event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent) {

            // Want to get here the path where file was moved


    public boolean isEnabled(EventObject event) {
        return event instanceof AbstractExchangeEvent;

You could try to add a header to the exchange, something like:


I'm not sure how to do it in a notifier, but you can always add a Processor and use the FileEndpoint.getMove().evaluate() method on the exchange to obtain the final moved file path.

For example:

public void process(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

    File movedFile = null;
    if (exchange.getFromEndpoint() instanceof FileEndpoint) {
        FileEndpoint fileEndpoint = (FileEndpoint) exchange.getFromEndpoint();
        String movePath = fileEndpoint.getMove().evaluate(exchange, String.class);
        File inputDir = fileEndpoint.getFile();
        movedFile = new File(inputDir, movePath);


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