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Access DOM from iFrame

I have inserted a HTML page into an iframe :

<iframe src="file:///C:/editor.html" width="1000" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Now I need to access to the DOM from the iframe and get an element by id .

This is my editor.html :

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-1.8.1.js"></script> 
    <!-- I use many resources -->
        function generatePNG (oViewer) { 
            var oImageOptions = { 
                includeDecoratorLayers: false, 
                replaceImageURL: true 

            var d = new Date(); 
            var h = d.getHours(); 
            var m = d.getMinutes(); 
            var s = d.getSeconds(); 
            var sFileName = "diagram" + h.toString() + m.toString() + s.toString() + ".png"; 
            var sResultBlob = oViewer.generateImageBlob(function(sBlob) { 
                b = 64; 
                var reader = new window.FileReader(); 
                reader.onloadend = function() { 
                    base64data = reader.result; 
                    var image = document.createElement('img'); 
                    image.setAttribute("id", "GraphImage"); 
                    image.src = base64data; 
            }, "image/png", oImageOptions); 
            return sResult; 
<body > 
    <div id="diagramContainer"></div> 

I need to access the DOM from the iframe, and get image.src from my edtior.html . How can I do this?

Use window.parent or window.top to access the parent/primary frame window. Then you can get their elements with


and so on.

So you can have in iframe.html :

     var getDiv = function(){
         return window.parent.document.getElementById("test");

And a page containing it:

<div id="test"></div>
<iframe src="#####/iframe.html"></iframe>

Now calling getDiv() inside the iframe will fetch you the div[id=test] inside the parent frame.

If you want to do the opposite, ie access an element inside an iframe from outside the iframe, please read this answer:

Javascript - Get element from within an iFrame

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