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How to inject Maven profile value into properties file

Little stuck here. I have a pom with 3 profiles. Theese profiles have different version name. I want to inject that version name into properties file when a specific profile is building.

My profiles:




and filter.properties looks like this:

projectName = defaultName
versionName = defaultVersion

How to do that? Im building project by command:

mvn clean install -D profile_name

What you need to do is to add a new section to your <build> section of your POM file.

Like this:


This will look inside the specified folder ( src/main/resources ) on the specified files **/*.properties and change the files when it encounters defined variables.

So in order to this work your propertie file must be this way:

projectName = ${defaultName}
versionName = ${defaultVersion}

Be aware with these variables name. Maven will replace it with the defined names by you or the names of the Maven structure like ${projectVersion} will be replaced by the <version>1.0</version> tag of your pom file.

So instead of using:


Change the name (and the version) of this variable to something else like:


On all your profiles.

And just run your maven command as:

mvn install -Pprofilename

Be careful with the profiles you shown. All of them are active by default and this is a problem because they all define the same maven property. Instead, you should mark only one as active by default.

You also don't show <resources> filtering to process filter.properties , so this can be a mistake, as well.

And a final though, you are controlling artifact version on maven profiles. I don't think it is a good idea. Please read about maven-release-plugin .

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