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How open fragment from RecyclerView.Adapter<CardAdapter.ViewHolder>

  1. TabLayout

    • tab1 (Fragment1)
    • tab2 (Fragment2)
    • tab3 (Fragment3)
      • RecyclerView + CardView (OnClick)

On CardView ClickListner open another fragment in tab3. So how to open fragment in tab3.

Error is in getFragmentManager() :

FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

which gives

/Adapter/CardAdapter.java Error:cannot find symbol method getSupportFragmentManager()

Instead of this, I tried:

FragmentTransaction transaction = activity.getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
FragmentTransaction transaction = itemview.getContext().getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

But error is not resolve.

Here is my code:

 public class CardAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<CardAdapter.ViewHolder> {

    List<NatureItem> mItems;
    private int lastPosition = -1;
    Context context;
    TaskFragment main;
    public CardAdapter(Context context,TaskFragment ma)


    public CardAdapter() {
        mItems = new ArrayList<NatureItem>();
        NatureItem nature = new NatureItem();
        nature.setName("The Paris Attack 2015");
        nature.setDes("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.");


    public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int position) {
        View v = LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext())
                .inflate(R.layout.custom_list, viewGroup, false);
        ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder(v);

     return viewHolder;

    public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int i) {
        NatureItem nature = mItems.get(i);
      //  setAnimation(viewHolder.card,i);

    public int getItemCount() {
        return mItems.size();

    class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

        private int lastPosition = -1;
        public ImageView imgThumbnail;
        public TextView tvNature;
        public TextView tvDesNature;
       // Button btnclear,btncancle;
        CardView card;
        Activity activity;
        Context co;
        public ViewHolder(final View itemView) {
            imgThumbnail = (ImageView)     itemView.findViewById(R.id.img_thumbnail);
            tvNature = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_nature);
            tvDesNature = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.tv_des_nature);
            card = (CardView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.card);

    card.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        Toast.makeText(itemView.getContext(), "Clicked Card...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
           ShareFragment newFragment = new ShareFragment();
            FragmentTransaction transaction =  getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
            transaction.replace(R.id.viewFragments, newFragment);


Open new fragment as follows in your onclick

public void onClick(View view){
    AppCompatActivity activity = (AppCompatActivity) view.getContext();
    Fragment myFragment = new MyFragment();
    activity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(R.id.fragment_container, myFragment).addToBackStack(null).commit();

When you use adapter context then for access fragment manager you need to cast your context . So you should use this way.

YourParentActivity myActivity = (YourParentActivity)context

Now you can access method for fragment manager like ,


But keep in your mind that your Fragment should be imported as a android.support.app.v4.Fragment otherwise there might be a casting problem.

If you open fragment for particular one tab then you should use getChildSupportFragmentManager() instead of getSupportFragmentManager()

Note : If you want to call fragment from adapter class then you should make interface and pass listener to your button click method and implement your activity with that interface.

Update :

Also you can pass FragmentManager to your adapter constructor. Like,

public FragmentManager f_manager;
public CardAdapter(Context context,TaskFragment ma , FragmentManager f_manager)
    this.context = context;
    this.f_manager = f_manager;

And after that you can use this.f_manager in your adapter class getView() method.

If you have used support library fragments or default fragments, be sure to use same of it every every where. And use "getSupportFragmentManager" or "getFragmentManager" carefully.

Pass context inside constructor.

public CardAdapter(Context context) {
        mItems = new ArrayList<NatureItem>();
        NatureItem nature = new NatureItem();
        nature.setName("The Paris Attack 2015");
        nature.setDes("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.");

Inside onClick

....Your Code

ShareFragment newFragment = new ShareFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = /* Here is the change.*/context.getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.viewFragments, newFragment);

...Your Code


Inside onClick call mainActivity setFragment method to replace fragment.

((MainActivity) context).setFragment(yourFragment);

public void setFragment(Fragment frag){
FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    transaction.replace(R.id.viewFragments, frag);

For moving from one fragment to another(from RecyclerView MyViewHolder class) use this

Fragment fragment = new AttendanceFragment();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = ((FragmentActivity) mContext).getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.fragment_container, fragment);

For the ones using Kotlin, assuming the fragment class you want to start is called MyFragment , and the container where you will put this fragment has id fragment_container_view . Probably you will do this inside the bind method inside your view holder.

itemView.setOnClickListener {
    val activity  = it.context as? AppCompatActivity
    activity?.supportFragmentManager?.commit {

Try this sniped :

ShareFragment newFragment = new ShareFragment();
MainActivity mainActivity = (MainActivity)itemView.getContext()
.replace(R.id.viewFragments, newFragment)

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