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How to execute a stored procedure which has an output parameter

This question answers about calling an Oracle stored procedure: How to execute an oracle stored procedure?

However I have a procedure which takes one IN and one OUT parameter. What should my test syntax in Oracle SQL Developer look like to define a variable, run a stored procedure, and output the result of that variable?

I'm trying this but declaring the variable gives me an error:


What should my test syntax in Oracle SQL Developer look like to define a variable, run a stored procedure, and output the result of that variable?

Create a unit test.

  1. Go to Tools > Unit Test > Select Current Repository and follow the prompts to set up a unit test repository.
  2. Go to View > Unit Test to open the Unit Testing view.
  3. Right-click on tests and choose Create test .
  4. Choose the connection and then pick the procedure you want to test.
  5. Specify the test name and select Create single with dummy implementation then click Next .
  6. Click 'Next' (you don't need any startup).
  7. Specify the values for the parameters then click Finish .
  8. The test should then appear in the Unit Test view and you can right-click and select Run Test .

Oracle's documentation for unit tests is here .

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