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How to insert data in eXist-db by $http in AngularJS through the REST API?

I am new in AngularJS. Now I try to insert xml data in eXist-db Database through the REST API from AngularJS. My document contains something like this:


I want to insert one student after the two students like this:


I test with POST request in Postman client and it works as following picture: URL is http://localhost:9999/exist/rest/db/data/studentdata.xml, Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

After that I try to use $http in AngularJS like this:

$scope.saveData = function(){
    var req={
        'Authorization':'Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU2',
    data:{_query:'update insert <student><id>3</id><name>three</name></student> into //students'}   

         alert("save finish");
 }//end function

But it has error 400 (SAX exception while parsing request: Content is not allowed in prolog).

Could you please tell me what is the problem? How can I solve this error? Thank you very much.

Now I can run it already with this code (without any error).

var promise = $http({
         url: 'http://localhost:9999/exist/rest/db/data/studentdata.xml',
         headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNDU2','Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
         data:'_query=update insert <student><id>3</id><name>three</name></student> into //students'

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