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Maven build cannot find symbol when accessing project lombok annotated methods,

I'm using project lombok for the first time and I have problems compiling the project via maven when I run the build I receive errors where methods annotated with project lombok annotations are called.

This is the annotated parameter:

    private @Getter @Setter String paymentNonce = null;

and in this line for example the maven breaks the build:

if (!StringUtilities.isNullOrEmpty(getPaymentNonce())) {

this is my maven dependency


the maven error:

[INFO] Compiling 158 source files to C:\java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\PaymentProcessor.java:[94,38] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\PaymentProcessor.java:[97,106] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\PaymentProcessor.java:[142,2] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\ShoppingCart.java:[27,6] error: cannot find symbol
[ERROR] \java\repos\luna\cloudflow\cloudflow-ejb\src\main\java\si\arctur\controller\ShoppingCart.java:[32,75] error: cannot find symbol

I'm using java 8

Had the same problem using maven-compiler-plugin v.2.3.2 After updating the version up to 3.5 problem disappeared


Hope this helps

I was actually able to solve this by following an answer posted here :

MapStruct and Lombok not working together

Basically I had to add lombok to the maven-compiler-plugin <annotationProcessorPaths>

我已将 lombok 降级到 1.14.8 这个版本适用于 maven 构建,我还没有找到为什么 1.16 版本不起作用:(

If you're using Lombok related static methods (mainly @Builder) with static imports, you might experience similar issues (even in other parts of your code!).

There is an open issue about it: https://github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/issues/979

The current workaround is to simply not use static imports, eg change

import static my.org.Foo.FooBuilder
FooBuilder builder = Foo.builder();


Foo.FooBuilder builder = Foo.builder(); // note >>Foo.<<FooBuilder; without static import

For other users using JDK9 and above you should add annotationProcessorPaths to maven compiler plugin


My solution was to prefix the annotation with lombok package name.

@lombok.experimental.Accessors(prefix = "m", chain = true)

rather than

@Accessors(prefix = "m", chain = true)

In short, upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to up 2.4 , or downgrade lombok to below 1.14.* .

It seems that maven-compiler-plugin below 2.4 doesn't support javax.annotation.processing.Processor with a name with $ .

Update: You can configuration maven-compiler-plugin to fork , or update plexus-compiler-javac to 1.8.6 . ( maven-compiler-plugin 2.3.2 requires 1.8.1 , and 2.4 requires 1.8.6 )

Since 1.16 , lombok uses ShadowClassLoader , which prevents the IDE promotion for lombok's internal class. However, it doesn't use the ShadowClassLoader if the classloader is org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.javac.IsolatedClassLoader . (I don't known why lombok guys use hard code to solve other issue may related with plexus-compiler-javac .)

maven-compiler-plugin 2.4 , or rather, plexus-compiler-javac 1.8.6 , doesn't use org.codehaus.plexus.compiler.javac.IsolatedClassLoader , so it works again.

If you are using lombok annotations in static classes in that case you will have to mention the full name of the class ie. instead of @Data to @lombok.Data . This has worked for me.

可能是您在 java 编译 (javac) 中使用-processor <processorclass>指定了-proc:none或明确指定了注释处理器吗?

就我而言,它是通过升级 JDK 解决的(以前是 1.8.0_66,现在是 1.8.0_92)


I don't know but for some reason it solves my problem.

I have two classes that use @Builder to generate a build method. But one is normal, the other one is abnormal. I have checked everything and it seems ok. But when I run mvn to compile my project, the error is as follows:

Can't not find the symbol method builder()

import lombok.*;
class A {


import lombok.*;
class B {


Class A compiles correctly, but Class B reports the problem above.

I tried to replace the version of the Lombok JAR, but even though I set the version to latest, it's not ok.

So, I tried to import Lombok per class that I reference.

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

class B {


It works! It seems a bug.

If the maven build cannot find the symbol when accessing project lombok annotated methods, then we explicitly have to configure annotationProcessorPaths into maven-compiler-plugin


Above solution works like a charm for me!

For me the solution was, to do not use import static on lombok builder. Changing:

import static Foo.builder;




In my case i have got this error because a compile error in other class but the lombok was suppressing the real problem. I recommend you to take a look in your classes to find some error. I hope it helps you

In my case, I fixed two config and it works.

  1. someone set compiler args to -proc:none in compiler args:

     <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>${maven_compiler_version}</version> <configuration> <compilerArgs> <!--remove below compiler arg fixed my problem--> <compilerArg>-proc:none</compilerArg> <compilerArg>-parameters</compilerArg> </compilerArgs> <fork>true</fork> <source>${java_source_version}</source> <target>${java_target_version}</target> <encoding>${file_encoding}</encoding> </configuration> </plugin>
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Java Compiler > Use compiler is Ajc .

I use lombok 1.18.24 and java 8.

After remove -proc:none compiler argument and change compiler to javac , the project could be compiled in IDEA maven or in standalone maven.

I designed the <annotationProcessor> in maven-compiler-plugin


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