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How do I randomise a repeatAction count?

I have a SKAction that repeats forever that releases a random number of objects in a wave but I can't seems to find a way to randomise the count of a SKAction.repeatAction each time it's repeated in the SKAction.repeatActionForver. Anyone know a solution to my issue?

let objectSet = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([addObject, objectDelay]), count: random value ))

let setDelay = SKAction.waitForDuration(2.0, withRange: 1.0)

let objectDelay = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.6, withRange: 0.4)

let objectSet = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([addObject, objectDelay]), count: *Trying to get a random value*))

objectLayerNode.runAction(SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([objectSet, setDelay])))


You can use let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UPPER_BOUND)) .


let objectSet = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([addObject, objectDelay]), count: random))

You could also do a range with an upper and lower bound.

let random = LOWER_BOUND + arc4random_uniform(UPPER_BOUND - LOWER_BOUND + 1)


You can use recursion. Reference

let setDelay = SKAction.waitForDuration(2.0, withRange: 1.0)
let objectDelay = SKAction.waitForDuration(0.6, withRange: 0.4)

func repeat() {

    let random = LOWER_BOUND + arc4random_uniform(UPPER_BOUND - LOWER_BOUND + 1)

    let objectSet = SKAction.repeatAction(SKAction.sequence([addObject, objectDelay]), count: random))

    let sequence = SKAction.sequence([
        objectSet, objectDelay,SKAction.runBlock({
            [unowned self] in self.repeat()


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