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Accidentally made my Netbeans Project folder a github repository

I've just finished a java course and a project in which we made a small java application. In the project we used github, but since we're all pretty much beginners to java and github this was a rather confusing process.

Therefore I might have made my NetBeansProjects folder, which is NetBeans' default folder for new projects, a repository to our project on github.

At least what happens is that every time I create a new project in NetBeans, it's automatically connected to our project on github. I'd really like that my NetBeansProjects folder isn't connected to any remote github projects.

I have tried the git remote remove origin which resets the config by the looks of it but it doesn't solve the problem and any projects I create in NetBeans will still connect to our project on github.

Any suggestions to what might help?

If you don't need to keep track of anything in the Netbeans folder anymore, then you can just erase the .git folder which keeps all the git related data (you will lose everything that hasn't been pushed to github repo as well). The .git directory is hidden, procedure to make it visible (/display & erase it) depends on the OS you are using.

If you want to keep using git, you can add the folders you don't want to have in github repo into .gitignore file.

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