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Mysql - Get all specific rows from one table matching criteria and relations if any from other table

I have a table of 'product type attributes' which lists the names of all possible product attributes.

In another table I have the values for the particular attributes for a given product.

I need to query the database to get all attributes names for a specific product type and their values if they have any but also if they don't have a value assigned.

For example

Product type 1 : T-shirt
Product type 2 : Poster


1  | 1               | Size
2  | 1               | Colour
3  | 1               | Style
4  | 2               | Print Type
5  | 2               | Paper Type
6  | 2               | Paper Size

In the table 'product_attributes' that holds the values for these attributes (that also links it to a particular product) I have :

Product 1 : Men's T-shirt
Product 2 : Large Poster


1  | 1          | 1            | Large
2  | 1          | 2            | Blue
3  | 1          | 3            | Mens
4  | 2          | 4            | Screen print

The result I want :
Return all the attributes for a product type, even though 'print type' is the only attribute with an assigned value for that particular product.

1  | 2          | 4            | Print type     | Screen print
2  | 2          | 5            | Paper type     |
3  | 2          | 6            | Paper size     |

I tried various JOINs but so far haven't got exactly what I want. The following returns values for other products not the specific one I need.

 pa.value AS value,
 pa.product_id AS product_id,
 ptal.id AS attribute_id, 
 ptal.name AS attribute_name 
 FROM product_type_attribute_labels ptal
 LEFT OUTER JOIN product_attributes pa ON ptal.id = pa.product_type_attribute_id
 WHERE ptal.product_type_id = :ptid
 GROUP BY ptal.id"

From what I have to this moment the following query can already provide some help

select a.id,pa.id,ATTRIBUTE_ID,`ATTRIBUTE NAME`,value from attributes a

join product_attributes pa on a.id=pa.ATTRIBUTE_ID

where product_id = 2

Change product_id accordingly

check this sqlfiddle

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