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cellForRowAtIndexPath equivalent function for section

I would like to dynamically change an image in my tableview custom section header cell once the image finished being downloaded. However I do not how to get the reference to the section header cell. Is there an equivalent function for getting the header cell like there is for getting the table view cell using the function cellForRowAtIndexPath?

I tried but this is for the row. I need an equivalent for section header

if let cellToUpdate = tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath) as? ListingTableViewCell {
    cellToUpdate.imageView.image = image!

To customize your headers, you can override the following method from the UITableViewDataSource .

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section

It works pretty much cellForRowAtIndexPath . You juste have to create your view and return it. Here is an example to set a UIImage as header of section 0 :

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
    UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 10, 10)];

    switch (section) {
        case 0:
            imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image"];

            return imageView;
    return [[UIView alloc] init];

Just set tags for section header view.

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section{
UIView *view = [UIView new];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
view.tag = section;

return view;

Then use tag to get the section header view.

 NSInteger section2 = 2;
 UIView *sectionHeader = [self.tableView viewWithTag:section2];

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