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Iterating over an object in Rails template


  def show
    @recipe = Recipe.find(params[:id])
    @ingredients = @recipe.ingredients
    @steps = @recipe.steps


  <%= @steps.each do |step| %>
      <%= step.sequence %>
      <%= step.description %>
  <% end %>

The array of objects passed to my template is being iterated over and then is showing the actual array of fields at the end (below step 5 in the picture). I want to display properties of each object, not the actual list of objects.


What am I doing wrong?

You are doing <%= @steps.each do |step| %>...<% end %> <%= @steps.each do |step| %>...<% end %> , which prints the result of evaluating each , which is the receiver @steps .

To avoid printing it, change that to <% @steps.each do |step| %>...<% end %> <% @steps.each do |step| %>...<% end %> .

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