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Iterating over views in Ruby on Rails

I'm a Ruby on Rails noob. I work through Michael Hartl's tutorial on Ruby on Rails. So far, I'm on chapter 3 about static pages. So far, I have StaticPage controller with three views: home , help and about . The layout for the controller goes like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><%= yield(:title) %> | Sample App</title>
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag    'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

    <%= yield %>

What I want to do now is to add menubar, ie list of links to all static pages. So far, I have something like this at <body> tag:

  <% '???'.each do |page| %>
  <% end %>

I can't figure out what to put instead of '???' - I need an iterator of all views of a controller. Thanks in advance.

What you are asking for requires more than adding static pages. You will need a database backed model to store dynamically created pages and a controller to work with the model actions which gives you the ability to generate collections .

With collections you can then have something like

  <% '???'.each do |page| %>
    <li><%= page %></li>
  <% end %>

Since you are working with that tutorial, what you need to render your menubar is this

  <li><%= link_to "Home", home_path %></li>
  <li><%= link_to "Help", help_path %></li>
  <li><%= link_to "About", about_path %></li>

You can render something from the database in the controller and use it in the views. Like in the controller, I can write @ones = Something.all in a method called one and if I have a show method in the controller who shows one record from the database depending on the argument it takes, then I can add a link as below and it will take me to something_show_path/:something_id .

<% @ones.each do |one|%>
    <%= link_to "#{one}", something_show_path(@one) %>
<% end %>

But in this case, there is no record of the static pages you have in the database. So, if you want a syntax like that in the views, add them in an array in the controller like

def whatever 
    ```rest of the code````
    @pages = ["home", "about", "help"]

And in the view, you can write

    <% @pages.each do |p| %>
        <li><%= link_to("#{p}", :controller => 'static_page', :action => "#{p}") %></li>
    <% end %>

Edit for the question in the comment

class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController

   before_filter :load_pages, :only => [:about, :home, :help]

   ``` All your controller codes ```
    def load_pages 
        @pages = ["load", "about", "help"]

So that all the methods in the :only list will have @pages loaded before rendering the page. You don't have to load it in each method. you can declare the method in the ApplicationController by writing a private before it like I did it here and just call it in any controller with the before_filter .

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