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sitemap index and then remove from webmaster

when i create sitemap on my website: webmoney724.ir

webmaster can not index them, on index and after 1 day all of the indexed files removed. i build my sitemap by Yoast SEO plugin. so i don't think this can happen because of sitemap errors.

i think this happen because of crawling problems or site speedو based on Gt-matrix my website is good. google support recommend these: 1- Update your sitemaps: 2- Keep redirects clean and short. 3- Make sure deep links to your Android Apps are properly configured.
how can i made changes to number 2? my redirects are long.

I can see your sitemap is already working fine just you need to upload it manually.

You Can Manually Submit your Sitemap in Google Webmaster.

Here we go with the Steps.

Login into Webmaster -> www.google.com/webmasters/ -> Crawl -> Sitemaps -> ADD/Test Sitemap -> Submit Sitemap URL -> sitemap.xml

Here is a screen shot for the same.


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