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Importing weights on Encog Java Library

Is it possible to import weights on an Encog neural network? I know it is possible to export the weights, but in I am constructing a dual neural net system, in which one is trained periodically with data and updates the other, which serves strictly to generate an output. Is it possible to adjust the weights of the non-training network by specifying the actual values? Thanks!

我自己还没有尝试过,但是看起来您可以使用network.setWeight(int fromLayer, int fromNeuron, int toNeuron, double value)方法设置单个神经元权重,因此您必须遍历所有想要的神经元更新。

In C# you can save NN into file like this ( IMHO saving is like an import ) :

EncogDirectoryPersistence.SaveObject(new System.IO.FileInfo("C:\\1.nnn"), _network);

and then export your data:

var network = (BasicNetwork)EncogDirectoryPersistence.LoadObject("c:\\1.nnn");

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