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How do I use a database entry to render a style in React Native?

I want to style list items in my React Native app based on a style name saved for each item in my database. The style name in the database references a "class" in my styles but I'm not sure how to call the "class" correctly in my view so it renders the style.

Database entry (here redItem is a class name):

var ITEMS_DATA = [
{location: 'Manhattan', color: 'redItem'} ];


<TouchableHighlight key={i} style={[styles.listItem, styles.{{item.color}}]}>
    <Text style={CardStyles.gameSection}>{item.location}</Text>
</View> </TouchableHighlight>

Style from StyleSheet:

redItem: { backgroundColor: '#e91e63' },

Note the styles.{{game.color}} in TouchableHighlight - this is where I want to pull in styles via the referenced class name.

Currently when I load this is the simulator I get a SyntaxError .

Please note that I'm a very junior programmer. Thanks!

To access a dynamically named property from a Javascript object, you use object[name] . In your case, you would access it with styles[item.color] . This would look as follows in your code snippet:

<TouchableHighlight key={i} style={[styles.listItem, styles[item.color]]}>
    <Text style={CardStyles.gameSection}>{item.location}</Text>
</View> </TouchableHighlight>

I tested this locally, and accessing properties of a StyleSheet like this is working.

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