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preg_match does not match regex

I am trying to scrape 10 digit numbers from a website with regex and pregmatch. So far have not been able to get any results. It matches when I use regular characters like in the first two commented out $regex variables. But not when I use regex as in the other ones.

I have checked all other similar questions here. Yet haven't been able to understand why the following regex script outputs empty array like

array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } }


//$regex = '/9833157945/';
//$regex = "/<a href='(.+?)'>/";

//preg_match_all($regex,"9898989898 kmllkj 9087654567 kjhkhkhj 9043567898 hkhkjhkjhk",$match);
//  var_dump($data);
//  echo htmlspecialchars($data);

echo "<p></p>";
foreach($match as $m){foreach($m as $ma){echo $ma."<br>";}}
//echo $match[1];

If you observe, I have been trying all kinds of regex combinations and none giving result.

Note that this expression: /^[0-9]{5}$/ will match strings which are entirely made up from 5 digits. The ^ and $ instruct the engine to match from the beginning and keep on going until the end. This is different from the expression of /9833157945/ , which denotes a particular 10 digit number.

You would need to change it at least to \\d{10} to match 10 digits. If the digits must not be contained within other strings, that is, foo0123456789 , you could use the \\b tag: \\b\\d{10}\\b .

'/[0-9]\\d{10}/' solved my issue ! It now matches all the 10 digit numbers !

Thanks all.

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