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How can I create a guid in MFC

I need to be able to create guids on the fly. Is there a way to do that in MFC? I see how to do it in .net, but we haven't gone there yet. If not, do you have pointers to some code I can use?

   //don't forget to add Rpcrt4.lib to your project

    CString m_ListID(L"error");
    RPC_WSTR guidStr;
    GUID guid;
    HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid);
    if (hr == S_OK)
        if(UuidToString(&guid, &guidStr) == RPC_S_OK)
            m_ListID = (LPTSTR)guidStr;
GUID guid;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid); 

// Convert the GUID to a string
_TUCHAR * guidStr;
UuidToString(&guid, &guidStr);

The application is responsible for calling RpcStringFree to deallocate the memory allocated for the string returned in the StringUuid parameter.

You can use the COM function CoCreateGuid, eg:

GUID guid;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(&guid);

Use the function UuidCreate to generate GUIDs :

UUID generated;

if (::UuidCreate(&generated) != RPC_S_OK)
throw std::exception(...);

You can use this sample

WCHAR       GuidText[250] ={0};
UUID        uuid;

CoCreateGuid (&uuid);
        uuid.Data4[0], uuid.Data4[1],
        uuid.Data4[2], uuid.Data4[3], uuid.Data4[4], uuid.Data4[5], uuid.Data4[6], uuid.Data4[7]

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