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R xtable: LaTex Commands output to HTML

I'm trying to use a LaTeX command to apply special formatting(shaded row) to one row of a table, and then to output it all directly to HTML. I seem to be stuck in an "either/or" situation - either the LaTeX command is included and I get LaTeX output, or the command is omitted and I get HTML. I want to press the "Knit" button and get a formatted report, with the shaded row included.

What's the flow from R code to LaTeX to HTML output, with one press of a button?

title: "Bug List"



{r echo=FALSE, results='asis'} 
library(knitr,quietly = TRUE,verbose = FALSE)
library(xtable,quietly = TRUE,verbose = FALSE)
  shadeCommand <- rep("\\rowcolor[red]{0.90}", 1)
  print(xtable(data), type="html",include.rownames= FALSE, floating=FALSE,
        add.to.row=list(pos=list(4),command=c("\\rowcolor[gray]{.8} ")))            

Environment: R Studio on Windows

Thanks very much!

I obviously have my biases...but pixiedust * allows you to create your tables in either latex or html using the same set of commands (although the latex output is a slightly more limited than the html).

title: "Bug List"
  html_document: null
  pdf_document: null
- \usepackage[dvipsnames,table]{xcolor}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage{arydshln}
- \usepackage{amssymb}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{multirow}

```{r, echo=FALSE}

dust(data) %>%
  sprinkle(rows = 5, 
           bg = "#D0D0D0") %>%
  medley_bw() %>%

If you want to change the output to latex, you just change the last line to sprinkle_print_method("latex")

* Use the dev version right now devtools::install_github("nutterb/pixiedust") . That version should go up to CRAN sometime in late January.

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