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Visual Studio Express 2013 For Web Failed to create new Project

I had Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web installed on my machine running Windows 8. Windows update automatically updated my windows to Windows 8.1. After the update when I reopened VS Express 2013, I was unable to create a new project. I get the following error:

Failed to create a 'ImageSource' from the text '..\\Images\\Medium.png'.

I tried the following measures but to no effect:

  • Reinstalled VS Express 2013
  • Installed and Reinstalled FastPictureViewer codec
  • Run VS as administrator
  • Set Registery key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Classes.png - REG_SZ Content Type

Finally found this solution:

Go to windows update of your PC and install all the optional an recommended updates.

Restart your pc and everything should work fine.

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