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Azure API APP authentication using Azure AD

I'm a bit confused regarding the authentication/authorization setting on the settings blade for an Web/Api App in Azure.

If I enable Azure AD authentication via the portal. Is there any way to get hold of user information in the actual service then? I know there is the Bearer security header, but can I extract any useful information from that?

Or is the authentication/authorization setting acting only as a proxy before the call to the service. that is, it requires valid AD credentials, but the service never have to deal with any of the details around it?

What would be the main differences between using that setting vs. creating an Web/Api App that uses Asp.NET authentication via code. eg its possible to set that up using the standard ASp.NET templates. In those templates you get an OWIN app that uses an Azure AD authentication provider.

If I use the latter, is there any benefit from the authentication/authorization setting? or can I simply ignore that if the App itself has an authentication provider?

在门户网站中使用身份验证可让您通过标题“ X-MS-CLIENT-PRINCIPAL-NAME”获得有关登录用户的一些非常基本的信息,并且您还可以访问传递的任何声明。此处的示例: 网站-身份验证-授权

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