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How to make a mocked method return the same mock

I am trying to mock a class that contain a clone method. I want the clone to return the same mock :


However, this returns me a different object. Is there a convenient way to do that ?

Maybe I've misuderstood something about your question because I'm unable to reproduce this behaviour.

I've created a simple test to reproduce it:

public class FooTest {
   class Regressor {
      public Regressor cloneWithSharedResources() {
         return new Regressor();

   class ClassToTest {
      public Regressor foo(Regressor regressor) {
         // ...
         return regressor.cloneWithSharedResources();

   public void testFoo() throws Exception {
      Regressor regressor = Mockito.mock(Regressor.class);

      ClassToTest classToTest = new ClassToTest();
      Regressor clonedRegressor = classToTest.foo(regressor);

      Assert.assertSame(regressor, clonedRegressor);

This test passes successfully, so regressor and clonedRegressor are actually the same object.

Please, could you tell me if I'm wrong or I've misunderstooed something. Hope it helps.

NOTE : I've tested with Mockito 1.9.4

I believe it has to give same object. Can you post your code. i have tried below code and it gives me the same object.

t = mock(Tester.class);

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