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How to import ssl wildcard cert from Apache to Tomcat

I currently have a wildcard certificate from Comodo that is currently used for Apache. I need to use this for Confluence, running on Tomcat. I tried following their instructions, but realized that I need to import the current cert using the keytool command to get it to the right format.

I currently have the following files from Comodo:


Has anyone been able to convert the certificate to work on Tomcat and if so, can you point to the documentation used? Thanks!

I figured it out. Need to convert to PKCS12, then to JKS.

To convert to PKCS12:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in <filename.crt> -inkey <filename.key> -out <filename.pkcs12> -name tomcat -CAfile <filename.ca-bundle> -caname root

Make note of the password entered as you will need it for the next step.

To convert from PKCS12 to JKS:

./keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass <some_password> -destkeypass <some_password> -destkeystore <filename.jks> -srckeystore <filename.pkcs12> -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass <password_entered_previously> -alias tomcat

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