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Dynamically changing url in sharrre Jquery

My question is the following:

I have multiple filters on my page, that filter events schedule dynamically, so when I click on any of the filters, my url changes without reloading the page.

For example:



Then, I have share buttons with Sharrre:

        a.icon.icon-twitter.js-twitter-filters(href="#", target="_blank")
        a.icon.icon-linkedin2.js-linkedin-filters(href="#", target="_blank")
        a.icon.icon-facebook.js-facebook-filters(href="#", target="_blank")

share: {
  facebook: true,
url: window.location.href,
enableTracking: false,
enableHover: false,
click: function(api, options) {

Inspite of that fact that inside sharrre I have url variable that equals to current link, it shares only that link which is derived when page is loaded for the first time.

I tried to put it inside click event on the icons - that does not work. I tried to put sharrre inside a function (eg. initialiseShare) and do window.initialiseShare = initialiseShare; - that also does not work. And I tried to remove and append the button, changing data-url attribute, and it also does not work.

function initialiseShare(link) { 
    share: {
      twitter: true,
    enableTracking: false,
    enableHover: false,
    click: function(api, options) {
    }   }); }


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.js-twitter-filters').on('click', function(){
        var clone = $('.js-twitter-filters').clone();
        $('.js-twitter-filters').data('url', window.location.href);
        return false;


jade for the icon

        a.icon.icon-twitter.js-twitter-filters(href="#", target="_blank" data-url="#")

Please, help!

Thank you in advance!

PS I can use any other solution except those which could lead to buttons which cannot be customised in design.

Try this:

$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', '.js-twitter-filters', function(e) {
    share: {
      twitter: true,
    enableTracking: false,
    enableHover: false,
    click: function(api, options) {


You're trying to bind to dynamically loaded elements. When your script executes on page load, the elements are not available for jQuery to perform the binding with "sharrre" - so you can use the .on() live binding delegate to bind to elements after insertion.


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