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Class Not Found - Laravel 5.1

I have some issue with my controller. After I move the controller to sub folder it always tell me

Class 'Horsefly\Request' not found

I don't know what it is the problem. I did the same in admin sub folder and it worked fine.



 namespace Horsefly\Http\Controllers\includes;

 use Illuminate\Http\Request;
 use Horsefly\Http\Requests;
 use Horsefly\Ebooks;
 use Horsefly\Settings;
 use Horsefly\Http\Controllers\Controller;

 class EbooksController extends Controller {



get('/navpage', 'includes\EbooksController@navpage');
get('/content', 'includes\EbooksController@content');
get('/openModel', 'includes\EbooksController@openModel');

thanks for the help.

You declared use Horsefly\\Http\\Requests;

Just change it to

use Horsefly\\Requests;

or use Request;

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