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How to show element based on condition using ng-hide and ng-repeat

I am using AngularJS and I have a table of items that I want to be able to display based on their color. For example, if I click on the "SHOW GREEN" and "SHOW RED" checkboxes, the table will show only the items that are green or red.

This is the item object:

{"name":"Fire Truck", "color":"red"}

Here are my checkboxes, which when clicked will evaluate to TRUE or FALSE:

<select id="item_color" ng-model='color'>
   <option value='green'>SHOW GREEN</option>
   <option value='red'>SHOW RED</option>
   <option value='blue'>SHOW BLUE</option>

And here is my table:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-hide='???'>
   <td>{{item.name}} </td>
   <td>{{item.color}} </td>

So how can I have my table dynamically show the desired items? The ideal solution would also allow me to list 3 seperate tables for all items of each color. I am little stumped on how to go about this. Any ideas?

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-hide='item.color !== color'>
   <td>{{item.name}} </td>
   <td>{{item.color}} </td>

It's that simple. Alternatively, use ng-if to not stamp out the inverse at all:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-if='item.color === color'>
   <td>{{item.name}} </td>
   <td>{{item.color}} </td>

Thank you to Antiga for his solution. I went for something similar using a controller function inside ng-hide. This works for 3+ conditions.

<!-- Checkboxes to toggle T/F which colors to show -->
<input type='checkbox' id='full' ng-model='toggle_red'>RED
<input type='checkbox' id='part' ng-model='toggle_green'>GREEN
<input type='checkbox' id='former' ng-model='toggle_blue'>BLUE

<!-- ng-hide will show item if color_hider() evals to false -->
<tr ng-repeat="item in items" ng-hide='color_hider(item.color)'>
   <td>{{item.name}} </td>
   <td>{{item.color}} </td>

// variables for the toggles
$scope.toggle_red = true;
$scope.toggle_green = true;
$scope.toggle_blue = true; 

// evals to false for each color if both conditions are true
    if(color == 'red' && $scope.toggle_red === true){ 
        return false;
    }else if(color == 'green' && $scope.toggle_green === true){
        return false;
    }else if(color == 'blue' && $scope.toggle_blue === true){
        return false;
        return true;

Rather than ng-repeating over the entire collection and then hiding individual elements, it might be better to filter the ng-repeat itself:

<tr ng-repeat="item in items | filter:{'color': 'green'}">

will ng-repeat over all items whose color is green.

(For more complex conditions you can use a function as a filter instead: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/filter )

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