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XML Serialization Deserialization HTML Entities C# .net

We have some XML files which we get as input (whose format is not under our control).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Group id="10" desc="Description">
        <Member id="117">&#x00B0;</Member>

This file can contain HTML entity code representation of symbols like "°" (represented as " &#x00B0; " in hex). This file is deserialized to Group and Member class objects. When XML deserializing the Member element value is correctly read as "°" and displayed in a grid. When serializing back the earlier objects back into XML, the Member value is saved as "°" instead of " &#x00B0; ".

Deserialization - Correct

<Member id="117">&#x00B0;</Member> deserializes into Member object with value °

Serialization - Issue here

The same Member object with value ° serializes into <Member id="117">°</Member> instead of <Member id="117">&#x00B0;</Member>

How can this be prevented and get it serialized back as " &#x00B0; " ?

You must then apply a custom serialization/deserializatio n to do so.

Using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode/HtmlDecode is not sufficient since it provide the decimal encoding . I added the following ( could be improved in terms of error catching ) to keep the hex escaped characters in the xml serialization.

Update: In order to avoid automatic escape of special character, you must write a custom Xml serializer for the class as seen below and use WriteRaw

If you use the XmlSerializer:

public class GroupFile
    public Group[] Groups { get; set; }

public class Group
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public Member[] Members { get; set; }

public class Member : IXmlSerializable

    public static string DecimalToHexadecimalEncoding(string html)
        var splitted = html.Split('#');
        var res = Int32.Parse(splitted[1].Replace(";", string.Empty));
        return "&#x" + res.ToString("x4") + ";";

    public int Id { get; set; }       

    public string Value { get; set; }

    public string HexValue
            // convert to hex representation
            var res = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Value);
            res = DecimalToHexadecimalEncoding(res);
            return res;

    public XmlSchema GetSchema()
        return null;

    public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
        var attributeValue = reader.GetAttribute("id");
        if (attributeValue != null)
            Id = Int32.Parse(attributeValue);
        // Here the value is directly converted to string "°"
        Value = reader.ReadElementString();            

    public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
        writer.WriteAttributeString("id", Id.ToString());

You can use HSharp to deserialize HTML. HSharp is a library used to analyse markup language like HTML easily and fastly. Install: Install-Package Obisoft.HSharp

var NewDocument = HtmlConvert.DeserializeHtml($@"
    <meta charset={"\"utf-8\""}>
    <meta name={"\"viewport\""}>
<h1>Some Text</h1>

foreach (var Line in NewDocument["html"]["body"]["table"])

That will output:


and you can also foreach the tag in html.

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