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Remove the leading zero in time in excel

How to remove the Leading zeros in time.

For eg: 09:04, I want it should be 9:04

But googling the issue doesn't give me anything. Do you have any idea please? Thanks in advance.

Right Click -> Format Cell with h:mm


See Also : Format numbers as dates or times

Format the cell; right-click in the required cell and select 'Format Cells'

On the Number tab select the category 'Custom'.

It is likely that the format for the time is hh:mm. In the 'Type;' box change this to h:mm and then click OK.

I hope that does the trick.

无论您如何格式化它,它们似乎都会保留下来,但是,将日期列复制到另一个工作表并将其另存为 csv 似乎会删除它们。

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