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Calling a Servlet from Ajax

I have a Java servlet, that i need to call and pass it a variable using Ajax. I have written an Ajax script, to get the variable that needs to be passed to the servlet. However i am not sure how to do so. Any help on this matter please? This is my ajax code:

var data;
    data = "NUMBER ='" + Number + "'";

    var Key = '';
        type: "POST",
        url: "Record?DB=EMP&Table=EMP_HISTORY&",
        dataType: 'xml',
        data: {
            "Where": data
        success: function(xml) {
            $(xml).find('record').each(function() {
                key  = $(this).find("PK").text();
        error: function(error) {

Your url parameter has & at last, I don't know if you have done it purposefully. However you may try this :


                    contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    success: function(xml) {
                      $(xml).find('record').each(function() {
                         key  = $(this).find("PK").text();
                    error:function () {


It's unclear that which step ur in.Since that ,i would rather give u some advice.

1、if u dont use any webframework, then goto file web.xml and edit the servlet tag.configure the url and the according serlvet.Then u can overwrite the doPost() method in the servlet and receive the http request.

2、if u use webframework like struts.u can modify the configuration in struts.xml and write the according method in ur action to deal with the request.

3、if u use jsp as ur solution.u can simple do it in the jsp file. Deal with the request variables through getRequestParameter and out.print the result.

hope my advice is helpful!

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