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How to use parameterized base class constructor downstream of virtual inheritance

I have a class structure that looks like the following:

 / \
B   C
 \ /

And the constructors work as follows (specific code not included for brevity, but I can flesh this out more if necessary):

class O {
    O(const string &str) {
      //Does stuff with str

class A : public O {
    A(const string &str) : O(str) { };

class B : public virtual A {
    B(const string &str) : A(str) { };

class C : public virtual A {
    C(const string &str) : A(str) { };

class D : public B, public C {
    D(const string &str) : B(str), C(str) { };

class E : public D {
    E(const string &str) : D(str) { };

Classes O, A, B, C, and D are supposed to be part of a library with class D being the base class for any classes I make later (such as E). The only purpose of D is to simplify inheritance for classes like E. My problem is that the constructor of E calls the default constructor of A unless I explicitly call A's parameterized constructor, which defeats the purpose of D.

This inheritance structure is best for my application because classes C & D are being used to specialize an infrastructure created by A & B. C contains additional methods for A.

Is there a way I can make D handle the call to A's parameterized constructor? Ideally, I would like an initialization of E to call the constructors A, B, C, D, E in that order. The string parameter is very important to classes upstream of O, and the constructors B and C need to run specific functions.

No. Virtual base classes must always be constructed by the most derived class. It cannot work any other way. All you can do is not permit A to be default constructible and have the compiler help you out, or refactor your code to not use diamond inheritance in the first place.

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