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startActivity are not working in Android Unit Tests

I've tried everything already. The startActivity are not receiving the intent. Here's the code:

public class ColaboradorTeste extends ActivityUnitTestCase<ColaboradorMainActivity> {

    private UserDAO userDAO;
    private ColaboradorMainActivity activity;

    public ColaboradorTeste() {

    protected void setUp() throws Exception{

        startActivity(new Intent(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(), ColaboradorMainActivity.class), null, null);

        activity = (ColaboradorMainActivity)getActivity().getApplicationContext();
        userDAO = new UserDAO(activity);

    public void testBase() throws Exception{

Here's the error:

    at br.fsw.seatafmobile.ColaboradorTeste.setUp(ColaboradorTeste.java:23)

I know the problem is in the startActivity, but I really don't know how to solve it. If anyone could help I'll really appreciate.

I finally found the solution! My test is using a database created on the app. So I had to change the Build Variants from Unit Test to Android Instrumentation Tests.

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