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Rails Multiple URI Pattern for the same Devise Model

I'm using Devise in my project and I originally started it back in 2013 with API Version 1 (api/v1/). I'm not having to create a version 2 (api/v2/) and I'm having issues figuring out how to go about creating the new v2 routes for devise.

Both /api/v1/ and /api/v2/ are pointing to the same users model, but I have them going through different controllers. Currently below is what I'm trying, but I get the message "Invalid route name, already in use: 'new_user_session'".


The scoped route for /api/v1/

scope '/api' do
   scope '/v1' do
       devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "devise/v1/users_registrations",
                                      :sessions => "devise/v1/users_sessions",
                                      :passwords => "devise/v1/users_passwords"}

The scoped route for /api/v2/

scope '/api' do
   scope '/v2' do
       devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "devise/v2/users_registrations",
                                      :sessions => "devise/v2/users_sessions",
                                      :passwords => "devise/v2users_passwords"}

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you

You need to use a namespace along-side or instead of the scope.

Right now those scopes will change the location of the files themselves yet do not update the actual pathing names so you are getting a duplicate error.


scope :api do
   namespace :v1 do
       devise_for :users, controllers: {registrations: "devise/v1/users_registrations",
                                      sessions: "devise/v1/users_sessions",
                                      passwords: "devise/v1/users_passwords"}

scope :api do
   namespace :v2 do
       devise_for :users, controllers: {registrations: "devise/v2/users_registrations",
                                      sessions: "devise/v2/users_sessions",
                                      passwords: "devise/v2/users_passwords"}

Then your routes would be new_v1_user_session and new_v2_user_session , etc...

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