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Node - Parse AWS IP ranges and block

I see that AWS posts a json file with all their IP ranges here (Actual JSON HERE )

I was thinking of using this json file to check against every incoming connection in my node app but firstly I was wondering if it would be far too much overhead to loop through it for every request?

Secondly, I wasn't sure exactly how to go about this, as many IP ranges are formatted differently eg.

I'm not too sure what them suffix's mean.

Has anyone don something similar?

Your first concern is correct - it's a lot of overhead to loop through Amazon's IPs for each request. This should be handled at the firewall.

Nevertheless, the ip_prefix field Amazon is providing can be used to ensure valid IP addresses exist within that subnet. The node-ip module can help with this. It has a cidrSubnet function that can be used to test a prefix against a user's IP. See the below coffeescript.

ip = require 'node-ip'
amazonIPs = require 'amazonIPs.json'
someUsersIP = ''

for prefix in amazonIPs.prefix
  if ip.cidrSubnet(prefix).contains(someUsersIP)
    console.log "#{someUsersIP} is within the #{prefix} range"

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