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Call hierarchy from a certain function


Working in eclipse, I have two function: do_something and perform_task . I know that do_something calls a number of other functions which in turn call others (and so on and so on) and somewhere down the line perform_task gets called as well.

Since this is a big project, lots of flows and so on, I've already found two different sequences where do_something activates perform_task through some other sequence of functions.

Actuall question:

Is there a way in eclipse to get the call hierarchy of a certain function, but only sequences that will include also a certain other function in the sequence?

Thinking of this in terms of graph paths, we have a directed graph, and instead of asking what are paths to node x , I want to know what are the paths to node x that include node y .

It's not exactly what you're asking for, but might be useful enough:

In the Call Hierarchy view, there's an option to show the callees of the selected method instead of the callers . Look at the view toolbar of Call Hiearchy for the two buttons that depict green dots connected with lines; those button toggle between the two modes.


If you select do_something and open the Call Hierarchy view on it, then set the mode to Show Callees you might be able to explore the various paths out of do_something that lead to perform_task .

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