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“Hyperlink.Click” event not being fired for DataGridHyperlinkColumn

I have a WPF form with a DataGrid containing multiple DataGridHyperlinkColumn , with a Hyperlink.click handler set up.


             x:Name="gamesGridControl" x:Class="MyProgram.GamesGrid"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
        <DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserSortColumns="False" SelectionUnit="Cell" SelectionMode="Single" AreRowDetailsFrozen="True" CanUserResizeRows="False" >
                <DataGridHyperlinkColumn ClipboardContentBinding="{x:Null}" Binding="{Binding Url}" ContentBinding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name">
                            <EventSetter Event="Hyperlink.Click" Handler="DG_Hyperlink_Click"/>
                <DataGridHyperlinkColumn ClipboardContentBinding="{x:Null}" Binding="{Binding InstallLink}" Header="Install">
                            <EventSetter Event="Hyperlink.Click" Handler="DG_Hyperlink_Click"/>


public partial class GamesGrid : UserControl
    private void DG_Hyperlink_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink)e.OriginalSource;

A few weeks ago this exact code worked just fine, but today the event is suddenly not being fired - if I set a breakpoint in DH_Hyperlink_Click , it's never reached.

I'm not sure where to even start debugging this issue. Has anyone else encountered this before?

Of course, the problem turned out to be yet another completely random WPF bug, sigh.

Apparently if you set DataGrid.ItemSource after an await inside a TextBox.LostKeyboardFocus callback, it breaks the DataGridHyperlinkColumn.Hyperlink.Click event. Why? I have no idea.

I tried everything I could think of to work around the issue, but nothing worked. In the end I had to stop using await inside the callback and handle asynchronous events manually. Sigh.

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