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How to get invocation list of an explicit event in C#

I can define an event with the following:

public event msg_callback event_PingMessage; 

and get the invocation list of an event with the following:

MulticastDelegate event_delegate = (MulticastDelegate)this.GetType().GetField(event_name,
                                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetField).GetValue(this);

foreach (var handler in event_delegate.GetInvocationList())
    // use handler() here 

But, if I define my event_PingMessage as an explicit event, like:

    private msg_callback explicitEvent;
    public event msg_callback event_PingMessage
            explicitEvent += value;
            int i = 0; 

            explicitEvent -= value;

the MulticastDelegate event_delegate = ... line throws an exception:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

How can I .GetInvocationList() for my explicit events?

You can just use explicitEvent.GetInvocationList() . explicitEvent is the equivalent of the field returned by your GetField(...) call for a field-like event.

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