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how can i convert a date like dd-mm-yyyy into ISO date format, to store in a mongoDB

In my mean stack app, i have data on a date basis. In angular side, i used a date picker to get/set the date that the read/write of Data to be handled. The date picker produce date of the form "dd-mm-yyyy". What is the easiest way to convert this into mongodb understandable format, and back.

var str = "29-1-2016";
darr = str.split("-");    // ["29", "1", "2016"]
var dobj = new Date(parseInt(darr[2]),parseInt(darr[1])-1,parseInt(darr[0]));
                         // Date {Fri Jan 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530(utopia standard time)

This will do it, but is there an easier way..!!

  • Also please comment on why in the isodate format i get 2016-01-28T...., other than 2016-01-29T.....

You could use this solution (worked in my case) -

Firstly, use Moment.js in your code, include it in your project. Now, The time string that you are getting here var str = "29-1-2016"; and along with moment.js use the below code and you're good to go -

var str = "29-1-2016";
var time = moment(str).toISOString();
\\ This variable time is now converted into ISO string

convert your date using toISOString

var mydate="2017-04-24"
var IsDate=new Date(mydate).toISOString();
console.log('my iso date',IsDate);

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