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What kinds of runtime errors can Haskell have?

I've read that Haskell can actually have runtime errors, despite being statically typed and functional. But, no one says what runtime errors those might be. Anyone know?

All the runtime exceptions may be throw by the standard libraries (the base package) are defined in Control.Exception and GHC.Exception .

error is a function defined in GHC.Err (based on GHC.Exception) as

error :: [Char] -> a
error s = raise# (errorCallException s)

It throws an ErrorCall exception and print an error message to the stderr if isn't catched by some handler, most of the run-time exceptions raised by pure functions in base are implemented by error .

A few examples:

undefined , a placeholder for code yet to be implemented, is defined as

undefined :: a
undefined = error "undefined"

It will pass the compilation step due to it's type and will raise an exception when it's evaluated at run-time.

The GHC standard library exports some partial functions by historical reasons, eg head :

head                    :: [a] -> a
head (x:_)              =  x
head []                 =  badHead

badHead :: a
badHead = errorEmptyList "head"

errorEmptyList :: String -> a
errorEmptyList fun =
    error (prel_list_str ++ fun ++ ": empty list")

IOException concludes most of the ordinary IO exceptions you may have seen in other programming languages, eg FileNotFound, NoPermission, UnexpectedEOF etc. It's further extended in System.IO.Error and is only throwed in the context of IO monad.

There are six arithmetic exceptions in base , which are

data ArithException
  = Overflow
  | Underflow
  | LossOfPrecision
  | DivideByZero
  | Denormal
  | RatioZeroDenominator

Two array access exceptions, which are:

data ArrayException
  = IndexOutOfBounds    String
  | UndefinedElement    String

Four async exceptions, ie exceptions designed to be passed between processes, which are:

data AsyncException
  = StackOverflow
  | HeapOverflow
  | ThreadKilled
  | UserInterrupt

When a computation obviously won't terminate: NonTermination
When one or more processes are blocked forever: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar , Deadlock , etc.
When pattern matching failed (mainly in monads): PatternMatchFail
When an assertion failed: AssertionFailed

and much, much more.

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